当社は、このプライバシーポリシーを実行するため、研修や教育を通じて社員に周知徹底させ、 継続的に改善することによって、常に最良の状態を維持します。
Privacy Policy (Personal Information Protection Policy)
We recognize the importance of protecting personal information, and based on the basic principle of handling personal information properly, we strive to protect personal information in accordance with the following policy.
1. Management of Personal Information
We have established a system for the proper protection and management of personal information, and have established and comply with internal rules for the proper acquisition, use, and provision of personal information.
2. Acquisition of Personal Information
We shall acquire personal information by legal and fair means.
3. Purpose of Use of Personal Information
(1)We will use the personal information we acquire for the purposes of use indicated at the time of acquisition and within the scope reasonably related thereto, and only to the extent necessary for the performance of our business operations.
(2)When we share personal information with specific parties or outsource the handling of personal information, we will exercise necessary and appropriate supervision over the parties with whom we share personal information or outsource the handling of personal information in order to ensure the appropriate use of personal information.
4. Notification and Public Announcement of Purposes of Use
When acquiring and using personal information, we will notify the person of the purpose of use or publicly announce the purpose of use, unless otherwise stipulated by law.
5. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
We will not provide personal information to third parties without obtaining the prior consent of the individual, except as stipulated by law.
6. Management of Personal Information
(1)We maintain the accuracy and up-to-dateness of personal information, manage it safely, and take necessary and appropriate security control measures to protect personal information from leakage, loss, damage, alteration, or unauthorized access.
(2)The Company shall appoint a person in charge of personal information management and implement appropriate management of personal information.
7. Disclosure, Correction, Suspension of Use, and Deletion of Personal Information
If the Company receives a request from an individual for disclosure, correction, suspension of use, or deletion of his/her personal information, the Company shall promptly respond to such request in accordance with the law.
8. Implementation of Privacy Policy
In order to implement this privacy policy, we will keep it in the best condition at all times by making it known to our employees through training and education, and by continuously improving it.