We visited at Knife Museum in Seki City, Gifu prefecture and had experience for making own knife.
Seki City in Gifu Prefecture developed as a major center for Sword making as early as 13th century thanks to rich deposits of iron sand in the local Nagara River. During the Edo period, there were several hundred Blacksmiths producing a large number of Samurai Swords and Knives. Today, Seki in considered one of the World's three best places for cutlery manufacturing, together with Sheffield, UK, and Solingen, Germany.
G・Sakai in leading Japanese Knife producer with trade partners all over the world. The variety of their products and their high-quality knives have been acknowledged by many customers around the globe.
We visited at the Knife Museum, located at just next to G・Sakai's factory. We saw many interesting rare items and cutlery exhibits from all over the world. Next we constructed own knife in the atelier by Assembling, Polishing, Sharpening and Writing own name on it.